Pubblico finalmente il meme di Gaia :
Un colore : verde - Un pianeta : Plutone, perchè è lontano - Una creatura fantastica : uno gnomo - Uno scrittore : Calvino - Una scrittrice : Angeles Mastretta - Uno stile : onirico - Una città : Nizza - Un metallo : oro rosso - Un film :una commedia in bianco e nero, con Cary Grant - Un compositore : Chopin - A poet : Montale - A language: English (which I do not know!) - A song : Lyric Vasco - A job : Outdoor - A book : a yellow - A substance : Contemporary History - A flower : Daisy - A director : boh? - An actor: Ewan McGregor - actress : a summation of the two Hepburn, Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan - A tree : Cherry - An object : Pillow - A number : 25 - a fruit: apricot -
A cardinal point south - An element : air - A body part: Eyes - A feeling : empathy - a place: the sea - A sports: skiing - utopia : Goodness - A png cartoon : pablo penguin chilly - A png of a book : Miss Marple - A png a manga : mah - A show: the judge amy - A reason for living, my husband - A mission : no you can tell - A food : a giant tray of shellfish - A transmission : I do not know - A philosopher : boh? - A musical note : G - A moment of the day : Evening - a punctuation mark : semicolon.
Un colore : verde - Un pianeta : Plutone, perchè è lontano - Una creatura fantastica : uno gnomo - Uno scrittore : Calvino - Una scrittrice : Angeles Mastretta - Uno stile : onirico - Una città : Nizza - Un metallo : oro rosso - Un film :una commedia in bianco e nero, con Cary Grant - Un compositore : Chopin - A poet : Montale - A language: English (which I do not know!) - A song : Lyric Vasco - A job : Outdoor - A book : a yellow - A substance : Contemporary History - A flower : Daisy - A director : boh? - An actor: Ewan McGregor - actress : a summation of the two Hepburn, Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan - A tree : Cherry - An object : Pillow - A number : 25 - a fruit: apricot -
A cardinal point south - An element : air - A body part: Eyes - A feeling : empathy - a place: the sea - A sports: skiing - utopia : Goodness - A png cartoon : pablo penguin chilly - A png of a book : Miss Marple - A png a manga : mah - A show: the judge amy - A reason for living, my husband - A mission : no you can tell - A food : a giant tray of shellfish - A transmission : I do not know - A philosopher : boh? - A musical note : G - A moment of the day : Evening - a punctuation mark : semicolon.
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