Thursday, October 13, 2005

Can I Join Brtish Army Pectus Excavatum

Bavarian almond-crusted chocolate biscuits

I was asked for a recipe for Bavarian winter. This is not mine, but of Giuliana of coquinaria . As I said in the post on the Bavarian fruit, this beautiful lady is a true queen of Bavaria. I tweaked the original recipe with a filling of almonds, of course you can also garnish with other fruits (eg, slices of orange peel) and you can make small bavaresine single serving.
the crust
150 g chocolate wafers (wafer with chocolate)
150 g chocolate biscuits (sponge-type stars)
80 grams of butter for the Bavarian

I do not have the recipe at hand, tomorrow intact for the time you have to settle for the procedure! egg sugar milk almond paste cream strawberries or other fruit to seal chocolate

Pass the biscuits in a food processor until chopped, then add the melted butter and line with this mash a springform pan, covered with parchment paper. Heat the milk, whisk the eggs with sugar, add a pinch of salt, warm milk and put it on low heat or double boiler. Cook the custard until it is slightly different texture veiling the spoon (Still liquid). Add the almond paste and whisk if necessary so that it dissolves completely. Remove from heat, add the gelatin sheets, softened in water and squeezed, dissolve it and let the mixture cool, stirring occasionally. When it is cold and the gelatin begins to take hold whip the cream and gently add the cream, pour into the mold and let stand in refrigerator for 4-6 hours. Decorate with melted chocolate and fruit. If you can not find you can use hazelnut or pistachio paste instead of almond paste. Tomorrow
add doses of the ingredients for the Bavarian


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