Face The Music Good
But have you ever noticed the expression of some musicians when they play?
prominent chin, eyes half-closed, we take very seriously, they know they are playing well and bask in the sounds, like cats who enjoy the pampering.
Maybe it is not so elementary to me playing the piano and then I tend to take rather an expression of the "outside-the-ball-all" and generic pissed off, but honestly I get a little 'funny, indeed, make me laugh a lot, so that now I can not go to hear a concert without detecting any fact "faces good music": oP
And now a bit 'of examples:
1. Hansi Kursch , lead singer of Blind Guardian
2. Led Zeppelin
3. John Petrucci, Dream Theater, who also placed his foot on the chest, which is a sign of strong commitment (concealed because it is all easy for him) and start the long and useless solos.
4. Still Petrucci, a sample of FdBM
5. Myung, Dream Theater, the face is usually covered by hair, but when you see a significant differ FdBM
6. Jordan Rudess always DT, FdBM with far-away look, about to leave in one of his laps pallosissimi keyboard
7. villagers for the category, a teacher, Stefano Tartaglia, Queen of
A question arises: why I chose Hansi and Led Zeppelin? Simple: my only reader is my friend and I enjoy Fed make fun !!!!!! : OP
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