Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Long Should You Have A Weave


I do not know why it happens often that a book inspires you more than any other. That feeling to have in my hands a story that is worth to be read, which is about to tell you about an extraordinary and adventurous characters, in whom they can identify ... I do not know if you have ever experienced the feeling of having in hand the pages of a book precious, you know that in one way or another, for a short time or for life, you will change ... and there are characters who will inevitably fall in love and why, at a certain point, you can not without it ... and then when the translation of a foreign book is really well done, no doubt be grateful for the existence of capable translators!

This is what happened to me when I read Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina ... It would be difficult to explain in detail the plot of this book, but in a nutshell is this:

"Centre of the story is the tragic love of the beautiful aristocratic Anna Vronsky for the brilliant but superficial. It 's a woman who defied the rules, precepts, customs of his time went beyond the historical period in which the mind of Tolstoy created it, reaching up to the present day and managing to find us in many aspects of her life in a modern woman.
E 'torn between loyalty tax the sacred bond of marriage and the yearning passion for a man much younger than her. In an era in which nineteenth-century sentimental reigns approval and narrow, Anna is a wind nothing short of revolutionary. Abandons the conjugal roof because the love he feels for the young officer Vronsky is more accepting of physical and, despite himself, the separation from the beloved son who arouse the contempt of society to which it belongs.
A history of strong feelings, such as maternal love, the attraction ol'infatuazione, jealousy and fear. And above all the awareness and willingness to defy the conventions of his world that Anna ends up feeling more inspired by Tolstoy's are represented with extraordinary psychological depth. Tolstoy is able to help you experience the sensations, to smell, to see through the eyes of Anna, to rejoice and suffer with her. In parallel there is the story of clean and happy ending between Levin and Kitti, two young men who after some hesitation, realized their dream love and live feeling free from contamination. "

Kerenina But Anna is much more than that is a social novel, which marked an era photograph of Russian history, which combines the modern and ancient world of landowners, who struggles to go on ... Here then I leave you the opening words of this wonderful book in its original writing and translation in Italian, and with the hope that one day everyone can read, in the end a little surprise ...

"All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Everything was in confusion in the house Oblonskys.'s Wife learned that husband was in connection with the former in their house, a French governess, and told my husband that he could not live with him in the same house. This position lasted for three days and painfully conscious of themselves and their spouses, and all members of the family and household. All members of the family and the household felt that there is no sense in their living together and that at any inn people who have come together by chance more interconnected than they are, family members and household Oblonskys. Wife did not leave their rooms, мужа третий день не было дома. Дети бегали по всему дому, как потерянные; англичанка поссорилась с экономкой и написала записку приятельнице, прося приискать her new position, Cook went to court yesterday, during lunchtime, the black cook and the coachman had given warning. "

" Tutte le famiglie felici si assomigliano fra loro, ogni famiglia infelice è infelice a suo modo.
Tutto era sossopra in casa degli Oblònskije. La moglie era venuta a sapere che il marito aveva avuto un legame with a French governess who had been in their house and told the husband that he could not live with him in the house. This situation lasted for three days and was painfully felt by them and spouses, and all members of the family, and family. All family members and relatives felt that their living together did not make sense and that people incontratesi chance in an inn were joined together more than they, family members and relatives of Oblònskije. The wife came out of her rooms, her husband was not home for three days, the children ran through the house as lost, the English girl had quarreled with the housekeeper and had written a note to a friend asking her to look for a new place, the cook had gone away the day before during lunch, the cook and the coachman had the servants made redundant. "

Anna Karenina -" SHE "


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