Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Salmon Patties And Without Eggs

M3 Sakura v1.45 Italian

For all those who have a M3 real and can not stand the interface Touchpod (the native to speak) is strongly recommended to replace it with the excellent Sakura, now arrived at version 1.45 So far, unfortunately, the Italian translation was quite weak and the instructions on the screen (due to the skin) were still in Chinese, so I decided to make available a version entirely in Italian language developed by me. The skin is not nothing special (you can still change the background) but at least it's in Italian! Hoping to please post the link for download:
ITA Installation is simple: just extract from the archive and copy the SYSTEM folder on the micro SD M3 to replace the present one.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Airpcap Wireless Usb Chipset

Toolbar WMP on Windows 7

After a couple of months to use Windows 7 has demonstrated its know a reliable and reasonably fast. A small flaw is the new Windows Media Player 12 that while functional and attractive in appearance lacks a feature that I was very fond of: the toolbar in the taskbar (to understand the mini controls when minimized) With WinMatrix is now possible to restore this useful feature:
everything you need to do is open the start menu and type "services.msc", scroll down to find the "Service Windows Media Player Network Sharing "and stop it, then install the file can be downloaded from HERE (quiet that wmp 12 will still be the same and Italian)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ground Beef Tater Tot Cheese Soup

Calendar Mall "Ortona Center in Ortona

The Calendar of the Mall "Ortona Center" will be presented to the public, the press and TV at 17.30 hours of Sunday, December 13 , at the Mall (Contrada Santa Liberata Ortona), the Director of the Commercial Center Valentina Ambrosioni and the Director of hypericum Sergio Bertini .
Si tratta di un prodotto di pregio, anche in termini di qualità dei materiali utilizzati, che contiene gli eventi più belli fra quelli organizzati nel Centro stesso nel corso del 2009.
Prenderanno parte all'evento le seguenti Autorità: il Sindaco di Ortona Nicola Fratino , l'Assessore Provinciale alla Cultura Remo Di Martino e l'Assessore alle Politiche Sociali Leo Castiglione .
Parteciperà il Team di Professionisti che nel corso del 2009 ha preso parte ai numerosi eventi organizzati all'interno del Centro Commerciale "Ortona Center".

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Victoria Secret Bras And Oil

Literature is still responding to the needs of modern man? (Guardiagrele, Saturday, October 24th, 17.00)

Guardiagrele (CH)
Saturday, October 24


Literature is still responding to the needs of modern man?

round tables and debates with

Vincenzo Centorame , Vito Moretti and Mario Palmerio

Associate Editor ABRUZZESI
Ravasco Eugenia Street, 54
65123 Pescara (I) - Tel and 085.76658 Fax
Editorial Secretariat: Ida Evangelista
Coordinator: Piera De Angelis

Monday, October 19, 2009

Corona Queens Courthouse

Guardiagrele: Review Publishing Abruzzese (October 23-24-25)

Guardiagrele (CH) - 23-24-25 October 2009

Schedule of Events Friday, October 23


Laboratory / animation with children in primary schools Gardiagrele
cultural association with the BIM BUM B'ART
Marzari and animators will be Veronica Pellegrini

at 17.00

Speakers: Mario
Palmerio (Mayor of Guardiagrele)
Nicoletta Di Gregorio (Publishers Association President Abruzzo)
Alba Del Rosario (Director of Primary School)
Fausto De Sanctis (Head of School Polo Guardiagrele)

CONCERT of poems dedicated to Modesto della Porta
by Alfredo Scogna (songwriter) at 21.00

Maria Antonietta Feruglio, Luciano Flaminio, Marco Marciani, Vito Moretti, Mara Seccia

CONCERT Mauro D'Alfonso (piano)

Saturday, October 24


Laboratory / animation with children in primary schools with Guardiagrele
games Liscianigiochi
with Tania Simon and Walter De Berardinis


Meeting with Lucio D ' Archangel (linguist)

at 18.00

Presentation of books

compartments URBINO
Sonia will present Paul Bucciarelli

I remember
Paul Ferro
will present Sonia Bucciarelli

at 19.00

Editions TRACKS
Presentation of the book
Rosella Di Nisio
will present Luciano De Angelis
tasting by chefs Guardiesi

at 21.00

Editions TRACKS
Presentation of the book
Marcia Theophilo
Nicoletta Di Gregorio
follow will present a recital of the Author

concert of the trio MANDEVILLE
Cinzia Zuccarini (violin)
Hazel Goddard (Purple)
Abrugiato Simon (cello)

Sunday, October 25


Years Silver Award will present the fifteenth edition
Massimo Pasqualone
be speaking Colasante Claudio (President Association of Retired Guardiesi)

choral concert Guardiesi

follow Bouffet

at 21.00

CONCERT Mauro D'Alfonso (piano) and Paul Angelucci (violin)

at 21.30

Editions Dummy
Presentation of the book

Maiella Brigade will present Gaetano Romano Canosa

at 22.00

Presentazione dei libri

di Arturo Bernava
Presenterà Marco Tornar

di Emiliano D’Alessandro
Presenterà Francesco Blasi

Le iniziative verranno introdotte da Mariele Sciubba

Via Eugenia Ravasco, 54
65123 Pescara (I) - Tel. e Fax 085.76658
Segreteria di redazione: Ida Evangelista
Coordinatrice: Piera De Angelis

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bam Margera Bridesmaid

Musical Evenings: THE GOLDEN BOLOGNINI (Guardiagrele, 22 and 23 August, 21.30)

Anche this year to double date Guardiagrele for "The Golden Bolognino," the musical event conceived and organized by Alfredo Scogna songwriter, now in its twelfth edition.
The event, as in the last four editions, will be held over two evenings, 22 and 23 August 2009, the charming Piazza San Francesco di Guardiagrele at 21.30 and will involve over 40 artists, singers and Guardiesi province of Chieti, carefully selected and prepared in the laboratory of music that the organizer sets up and runs with great professionalism.
"The Golden Bolognino", in fact, was founded in 1998 by singer-songwriter Alfredo Scogna che, mettendo a disposizione la propria esperienza, ha voluto lanciare un segnale a quanti lo desiderano per usare lo spettacolo come mezzo per incontri e progetti comuni di iniziative sociali.
Caratteristica principale dell’evento è che non è uno spettacolo di competizione, una gara canora, bensì una manifestazione in cui si esprimono le voci di giovani e meno giovani che vivono la musica in modo diverso, facendo emergere quelle emozioni che ognuno ha dentro e che, con la musica e il canto, vengono trasmesse al pubblico, per dare all’artista uno spazio dove trasmettere il vero senso della musica: quell’emozione pura che non sia sempre offuscata dal protagonismo e dalla competizione.
Fin dalle prime edizioni, la manifestazione has involved big-name entertainers in the presentation of the event, such as Adriana Volpe, Barbara Chiappini, Tiberio Timperi, Max Giusti, just to name a few, the new twelfth edition of this will be the presence, for both evenings, the actress Marina Suma, who will present the event supported by good local and professional presenters.

Since its premiere in summer 1998, "The Golden Bolognino" has found success with the public and participants get to be gradually increasing, now a resident show in the summer of Guardiagrele landscape, with the 'ambition to grow further and become even better known in art scene-regional and national music, certainly not neglecting the importance of the social aspect for which this event was born.

"The Golden Bolognino" derives its name from the homonymous ancient coin that was minted just Guardiagrele at the end of the fourteenth century, when King Ladislaus (with diploma June 4, 1391) granted to Napoleon II , son of John Orsino (one of the historic families of Guardiagrele) the power to coin money in his country would last until the war turned in the Abruzzi between Durazzo and Louis II of Anjou. Napoleon II of this great privilege to be earned by opening the Mint Guardiagrele coniarvi bolognini in the small silver coins.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Whaat Is A Good Name For Neptune

Guardiagrele: Friends and supporters visit the grave of Prof. Giacinto Auriti

the third anniversary of his passing

This year, on the occasion of the anniversary of the demise of the illustrious jurist Prof. Giacinto Auriti, groups of fans and friends from various locations in Italy, have Guardiagrele went to the cemetery to show their devotion grateful to the Master, whose memory is always alive in those who loved him and were fortunate to benefit from its teachings.
the presence of the daughter of Professor, Dr. Francesca Auriti, a group of friends visited the tomb on the grave of Don Giacinto gathering for some minutes in prayer at the chapel where the whole family Auriti.

occasion of the meeting, after paying homage all'insigne Maestro, friends gathered to discuss future planning guidelines that will be taken to keep alive the memory of the noted professor of Abruzzo and to spread knowledge of his thinking , the new philosophical principle of the judgments of values, the properties of popular currency. In particular, it has turned its attention to the various initiatives of local currency that is not always comply with the theories of Professor. Auriti, are spreading in Italy and abroad.

The group of friends of the late Prof. Giacinto Auriti, in visita alla Cappella del compianto Maestro. Al centro la Dr. ssa Francesca Auriti.
Fra essi si notano: Nicola Crescenzi, Savino Frigiola, Gianluigi Mucciaccio, Francesco Cianciarelli, Mauro Di Sabatino, Stefano Bucceroni, Rocco Carbone, Cosimo Massaro, Walter Picchini, Matteo Simonetti, Flavio Soriano.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Average Price For A Rabies

Presentazione: LA COLLINA DEI FUOCHI FATUI (Guardiagrele, giovedì 9 luglio 2009, ore 21,30

Giovedì 9 luglio 2009 a Guardiagrele, presso il Piqua Cafè (Villa comunale) ore 21,30

organizzato dal mensile "La Terrazza" e dalll'OPEG (Associazione Operatori Economici Guardiesi)

si svolgerà l'incontro con Emiliano D'Alessandro
autore del romanzo storico: LA COLLINA DEI FUOCHI FATUI (Edizioni Solfanelli)
with the participation of the publisher Marco Solfanelli

Emiliano D'Alessandro and Marco Solfanelli will discuss the historical novel based on the vicissitudes of the soldier Salvatore Di Rado on Cephalonia, theater dell'eccidio Acqui Division of the Royal Army in the days that followed the armistice 8 September 1943.

follow the debate.

The meeting will be chaired by Francesco Blasi of the newspaper "Il Centro" and editor of "La Terrazza".

You can buy the book at the stand set up by Edizioni Solfanelli.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

How Much Slower Do You Swim In Tights

Presentazione: 1938-1948 dalle leggi razziali alla Costituzione (Villamagna, 9 luglio, ore 21.00)

Villamagna, July 9, 2009, 21:00
Piazza Europa Villamagna

Presentation of the documentary exhibition
“1938-1948 dalle leggi razziali alla Costituzione” a cura dell’Archivio di Stato di Chieti
il catalogo edito dalla Casa Editrice Tinari


Saluto del Sindaco, Paolo Rosario Nicolò

Presentazione della mostra documentaria
“1938-1948 dalle leggi razziali alla Costituzione”
a cura Dott.ssa Miria Ciarma
Direttore Archivio di Stato di Chieti

Saranno presenti
Prof. Stefano Trinchese, Preside della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
dell’Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara
Prof.ssa Marialuisa Sergio, Ricercatrice presso Istituto Luigi Sturzo di Roma
Prof. Giampiero of Pliny, Professor of Public Law, University "G. d'Annunzio "Chieti-Pescara
Dr. Enzo Fimiani, Director of Provincial Library Pescara

Dr. Vincenzo Greek, Prefect of the Province of Chieti

followed by a concert of guitar Soave
Camerata conducted by Maestro Michael De Angelis

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pakistani Waleema Cards

Install the kernel 2.6.29 on mac as Jaunty Jackalope

La nuova ubuntu è carina ma è sembrata dare problemi di stabilità a chi aveva la versione precedente, per esempio i driver ati non sembrano proprio stabili(improvvisi bloccaggi del sistema) se si usano gli effetti di compiz.

The problem also plagued the PC of my girlfriend and after googling I found various methods to solve this problem ati, which is now in the kernel (having become open) by simply installing the Linux kernel 2.6. 29. Unfortunately
be installed from synaptic hand: wget-c

http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ ~ kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29.3/linux-headers-2.6.29-02062903- generic_2.6.29-02062903_i386.deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ ~ kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29.3/linux-headers-2.6.29-02062903_2.6.29-02062903_all.deb http://kernel . ubuntu.com / ~ kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.29.3/linux-image-2.6.29-02062903-generic_2.6.29-02062903_i386.deb

sudo dpkg-i *. deb

the next time we will find a new line starting in the choice of operating system and compiz should no longer cause problems! Happy Linux

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yoghurt Dipped Peanuts

Touchpad on Linux with Linux

One of the many strengths of MacOS X is the convenience of the trackpad (touchpad for us mere mortals)

for quite a while (but I know recently) xorg-server supports the "multitouch" ie the recognition of multi-touch touchpad.

Well let's see how to do on Ubuntu:

(provided that all the things I write in this way be typed on the terminal)
If you have not installed install the following packages:

gsynaptics sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics

Then let's set the fdi file for hal (of the species xml)

You must enable multitouch reading:

sudo gedit / etc / hal / fdi / policy / shmconfig.fdi

And you put the following lines:

\u0026lt;? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
\u0026lt;deviceinfo version = " 0.2 ">
\u0026lt;match key="input.x11_driver" string="synaptics">
\u0026lt;merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string"> True \u0026lt;/ merge>
\u0026lt;/ match>
\u0026lt;/ device>
\u0026lt;/ deviceinfo>

Then you try to see if our support multi touch touchpad, restart the session (or the whole pc is the same)
When you restart
typed on the terminal:

synclient-m 100

will come out a table that you use me change until the touchpad.
the column with instestazione " f" (the fifth column) that Inida the number of fingers that are used: placing two fingers or three if you see one there you can always do nothing ... Your touchpad does not support multitouch ... I'm sorry ... (

Otherwise, if you see the fifth column have a number that corresponds to the number of fingers that supported or moved to the touchpad, the adventure continues: D

typed on the terminal:

sudo gedit / etc / hal / fdi / policy / synaptics.fdi

And we put the following lines:

\u0026lt;? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "ISO-8859-1"?>
\u0026lt;deviceinfo version="0.2">
\u0026lt;match key="input.x11_driver" string="synaptics">
\u0026lt;merge key="input.x11_options.VertTwoFingerScroll" type="string"> true \u0026lt;/ merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.HorizTwoFingerScroll" type="string">true</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton2" type="string">3</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton3" type="string">2</merge>
<merge key="input.x11_options.TapButton1" type="string">1</merge>

<merge key="input.x11_options.EmulateTwoFingerMinZ" type="string">120</merge>

\u0026lt;/ deviceinfo>

The line below the file that enables the possibility that the scroll with a finger stronger rivals scrolling mouse:
\u0026lt;merge key = "input.x11_options.EmulateTwoFingerMinZ" type = " string "> 120 \u0026lt;/ merge>
has a number (120) representing the sensitivity to touch, try a couple of times to increase or decrease the sensitivity.

with the remaining options are enabled:
  • vertical scroll with 2 fingers (the classic wheel mouse)
  • horizontal scroll with 2 fingers
  • Right click by clicking with two fingers
  • Click
  • Central clicking with 3 fingers

Finally, try the option "restart the computer: D
synclient if it worked, it should all work!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Belly Button Ring Out For 30 Minutes


Many musicians do not switch to Linux because there are programs to help them, such as Guitar Pro. Here's a quick guide to the open source alternative to Linux.

is easily said and done:
TuxGuitar is an application in Java finally come to a stable and funzionanate that reads and writes to file. "Gpx".
As the install?

(start by saying that whatever you find written in this way or text type on the terminal, or is about to enter text configuration files)

First, it is in Java ... then you need to have Java installed properly (there are guides to misrepresent the way ... then RTFM (Read That Fucking Manual)).
Fixed pre-requisite, or we install it from Synaptic or apt-get (Intrepid has the latest list of packages) or the download directly from there TuxGuitar .
In the case of direct download (I recommend the version with the installer who was accustomed to Windoze x) first of all you right-click the downloaded file

(tuxguitar_qualcosa.run) -> properties -> permissions - -> "allow execution file as program "

then by clicking twice on the part of the installer file.

Going on the installation folder there will be an icon to start the program, you can also put in the ubuntu menu or desktop to resent comfortable simply by dragging it.

Problem: The program is pretty and it works, but audio will not speak -> MIDI player is missing:

sudo apt-get install timidity

or install the timidity package from Synaptic .
TuxGuitar Now we tell where to output audio through the menus are

Tools-> Settings-> Sound: Port midi: TiMidity Port0 [XXXX]

(where XXXX is there but I do not know what it is, is a number usually)
I worked perfectly on 2 pc ... so I hope you too ...
Try different midi ports if that does not work.

Another thing I like to do the musicians unleashed of songs "virtuoso" is to try to play them, but they are often so difficult that no one can find texts on the Internet and we are reduced to having to slow down to be able to get them out by ear.
we do not want to have the effect of slowing vinyl record which lowers the pitch of everything.
Unfortunately I have to say that there are programs to do graphics (for now) on linux, but I found an excellent tool to command line that works with a slaughter of audio formats. It's called
Yatm - Yet another Time Machine and what amazed me is the ease of use. Meanwhile

sudo apt-get install yatm
let the folder of files to slow down from the command line (eg x):

music cd / Elio \\ e \\ le \\ stories \\ tense /
( Remember to use TAB to autocomplete paths that simplifies your life !!!!)

we now find the point that we want to slow down with any media player such as Totem, the media player by default on gnome (and ubuntu)

totem Plafone.mp3

The solo (beautiful) I want to find 57 seconds to start
great! halve the rate of yatm the-t (a number with a comma where 1.0 is the normal speed of the song, is still 0.0, 0.5 is half) and b-tell him where to start

yatm-b 0 :-t 0.5 00:57.0

The program prints many warnings, but who cares so much work!
with arrows left and right you can also speed up or slow down the track.
For the various options (another RTFM) see:

man yatm

Unfortunately no GUI for now (we could do it ... maybe soon I can do a little bit ...).
I hope to interest anyone, because I could not find guides on the internet about this song and sing Happy
with linux! : D

Monday, April 20, 2009

M Jak Milosc Ogladaj Film819

Ecchice Here!

Eh eh eh! echice here!
I wanted to make my own blog, a bit 'more serious of the Windows Live blog, or things like MySpace, or similar, will talk about everything, of course, in that my interests are many variables and growth. For those interested, good reading; D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2010 Average Bmi In Countries

San Giovanni Teatino: CUANTA PASION di Giulia Alberico (Venerdì 13 marzo, ore 18.30)

Giulia Alberico presents his book
CUANTA PASION (Mondadori Editore)

libreria.coop Centre d'Abruzzo - Sambuceto
(via Po 1 - St. John Teatino)

Friday, March 13, 2009 at 18:30 Introduction by the author

Maristella Lippolis

is making its way among us Italians feel that the school is totally out of control and perhaps it is. Each of us is certain that "his time" studying is a lot more and that "certain things" in the classroom were quite inconceivable, and you can not say it is not true. Yet it is equally clear that the school is nothing more you can reveal the health of a country and under what conditions he will face the future. Giulia Alberico at school has spent his life. More than thirty years of teaching, and a brief period at the Ministry of Education headed by Minister De Mauro, make her one of the people more credible to tell what the school is and where it is going. In Cuanta pasión! collects stories, portraits and some little reflection collected over a life spent trying to learn who really do not want to know, who goes to class all the disasters that leaves you on a family behind a mess, to struggle with principals and colleagues distracted unprepared to resist the daily temptation to drop everything. The result is an enlightening and often hilarious portrait of the school.

Giulia Alberico was born in San Vito Chietino, is a professor of Italian and History in secondary schools for over thirty years and is the author of Madrigal (1999, prize Arturo Loria 2000), The game of chance (2002), The body kind. Conversation with Massimo Girotti (2003), Sheherazade How (2004), are shy Books (2007), The hot wind of Garbino (2007). He has published stories in the anthologies The silence of the Hawk (2003) and Below the bridge there are three basins (2005).

For more information: Press Office
Judith Bonfiglioli 051 6041441, 335 1722200; ufficio.stampa @ librerie.coop.it

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sadler Oxford Vocabulary Level E

Presentazione del libro “Borrello 1900-1950” (Borrello, sabato 3 gennaio, ore 16,30)

On 3 January, at 16.30, in Borrello (CH) at the window of the Reserve, in Silvio Spaventa will be presented the book "Borrello 1900-1950" published by the publishing house Tinari. The book represents the catalog of the documentary exhibition, currently underway, organized by the Municipality in cooperation with the State Archives of Chieti and the Publishing House Tinari at the opening of the window of the premises of the Reserve made that up to about thirty years ago was the site of the distillery A. Evangelist Borrello. The municipal administration in fact, in recent years, has acquired the municipal assets such spaces, no longer used by the company Evangelista, meanwhile moved to San Giovanni Teatino them has completely recovered by wise interventions restoration and conservation, and wanted to return to the enjoyment of the community by placing the seat, in fact, the Reserve Falls Green and making it a multipurpose center.

The book "Borrello 1900-1950" as well as to present the photos of the original documents on display in the exhibition and which constitute some of the most representative of the history of the town in the first half of last century, for example, the realization of the most important public works, administrative activities of the fascist period and after the war, the difficult reconstruction following the extensive damage caused by this, contains the transcript of the same documents on display as well as an interesting and timely scientific paper on the reconstruction after the Second World War by Prof. Lucia Serafini, a professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University "G. d'Annunzio "of Chieti-Pescara. For the first time, thanks to a precise and painstaking research conducted by Prof. Serafini, are in fact published and made available to the knowledge of most, drawings and reports of the reconstruction plan of the City of Borrello prepared by Eng. Carlo Facenna, these documents kept at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, and part of the Archives Rapu. The volume also presented the project for the construction of public gardens, the transcription of numerous acts del Notaio Antonino de Lucia relativi agli anni 1900 e 1901, conti e bilanci dal 1900 al 1946, nonché la documentazione relativa allo svolgimento delle elezioni comunali e provinciali del 1946 e del 1951. Tutti i documenti esposti nella mostra, che rimarrà aperta fino al 7 gennaio 2009 sono conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Chieti e gentilmente concessi a tal fine grazie alla disponibilità della Direttrice, Dott.ssa Miria Ciarma, che interverrà, così come la Prof.ssa Serafini alla presentazione del libro.

Volume del formato 21x30 di 224 pagine
