The event, as in the last four editions, will be held over two evenings, 22 and 23 August 2009, the charming Piazza San Francesco di Guardiagrele at 21.30 and will involve over 40 artists, singers and Guardiesi province of Chieti, carefully selected and prepared in the laboratory of music that the organizer sets up and runs with great professionalism.
"The Golden Bolognino", in fact, was founded in 1998 by singer-songwriter Alfredo Scogna che, mettendo a disposizione la propria esperienza, ha voluto lanciare un segnale a quanti lo desiderano per usare lo spettacolo come mezzo per incontri e progetti comuni di iniziative sociali.
Caratteristica principale dell’evento è che non è uno spettacolo di competizione, una gara canora, bensì una manifestazione in cui si esprimono le voci di giovani e meno giovani che vivono la musica in modo diverso, facendo emergere quelle emozioni che ognuno ha dentro e che, con la musica e il canto, vengono trasmesse al pubblico, per dare all’artista uno spazio dove trasmettere il vero senso della musica: quell’emozione pura che non sia sempre offuscata dal protagonismo e dalla competizione.
Fin dalle prime edizioni, la manifestazione has involved big-name entertainers in the presentation of the event, such as Adriana Volpe, Barbara Chiappini, Tiberio Timperi, Max Giusti, just to name a few, the new twelfth edition of this will be the presence, for both evenings, the actress Marina Suma, who will present the event supported by good local and professional presenters.
Since its premiere in summer 1998, "The Golden Bolognino" has found success with the public and participants get to be gradually increasing, now a resident show in the summer of Guardiagrele landscape, with the 'ambition to grow further and become even better known in art scene-regional and national music, certainly not neglecting the importance of the social aspect for which this event was born.
"The Golden Bolognino" derives its name from the homonymous ancient coin that was minted just Guardiagrele at the end of the fourteenth century, when King Ladislaus (with diploma June 4, 1391) granted to Napoleon II , son of John Orsino (one of the historic families of Guardiagrele) the power to coin money in his country would last until the war turned in the Abruzzi between Durazzo and Louis II of Anjou. Napoleon II of this great privilege to be earned by opening the Mint Guardiagrele coniarvi bolognini in the small silver coins.
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