Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sadler Oxford Vocabulary Level E

Presentazione del libro “Borrello 1900-1950” (Borrello, sabato 3 gennaio, ore 16,30)

On 3 January, at 16.30, in Borrello (CH) at the window of the Reserve, in Silvio Spaventa will be presented the book "Borrello 1900-1950" published by the publishing house Tinari. The book represents the catalog of the documentary exhibition, currently underway, organized by the Municipality in cooperation with the State Archives of Chieti and the Publishing House Tinari at the opening of the window of the premises of the Reserve made that up to about thirty years ago was the site of the distillery A. Evangelist Borrello. The municipal administration in fact, in recent years, has acquired the municipal assets such spaces, no longer used by the company Evangelista, meanwhile moved to San Giovanni Teatino them has completely recovered by wise interventions restoration and conservation, and wanted to return to the enjoyment of the community by placing the seat, in fact, the Reserve Falls Green and making it a multipurpose center.

The book "Borrello 1900-1950" as well as to present the photos of the original documents on display in the exhibition and which constitute some of the most representative of the history of the town in the first half of last century, for example, the realization of the most important public works, administrative activities of the fascist period and after the war, the difficult reconstruction following the extensive damage caused by this, contains the transcript of the same documents on display as well as an interesting and timely scientific paper on the reconstruction after the Second World War by Prof. Lucia Serafini, a professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University "G. d'Annunzio "of Chieti-Pescara. For the first time, thanks to a precise and painstaking research conducted by Prof. Serafini, are in fact published and made available to the knowledge of most, drawings and reports of the reconstruction plan of the City of Borrello prepared by Eng. Carlo Facenna, these documents kept at the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, and part of the Archives Rapu. The volume also presented the project for the construction of public gardens, the transcription of numerous acts del Notaio Antonino de Lucia relativi agli anni 1900 e 1901, conti e bilanci dal 1900 al 1946, nonché la documentazione relativa allo svolgimento delle elezioni comunali e provinciali del 1946 e del 1951. Tutti i documenti esposti nella mostra, che rimarrà aperta fino al 7 gennaio 2009 sono conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Chieti e gentilmente concessi a tal fine grazie alla disponibilità della Direttrice, Dott.ssa Miria Ciarma, che interverrà, così come la Prof.ssa Serafini alla presentazione del libro.

Volume del formato 21x30 di 224 pagine


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