Friday, August 14, 2009

Whaat Is A Good Name For Neptune

Guardiagrele: Friends and supporters visit the grave of Prof. Giacinto Auriti

the third anniversary of his passing

This year, on the occasion of the anniversary of the demise of the illustrious jurist Prof. Giacinto Auriti, groups of fans and friends from various locations in Italy, have Guardiagrele went to the cemetery to show their devotion grateful to the Master, whose memory is always alive in those who loved him and were fortunate to benefit from its teachings.
the presence of the daughter of Professor, Dr. Francesca Auriti, a group of friends visited the tomb on the grave of Don Giacinto gathering for some minutes in prayer at the chapel where the whole family Auriti.

occasion of the meeting, after paying homage all'insigne Maestro, friends gathered to discuss future planning guidelines that will be taken to keep alive the memory of the noted professor of Abruzzo and to spread knowledge of his thinking , the new philosophical principle of the judgments of values, the properties of popular currency. In particular, it has turned its attention to the various initiatives of local currency that is not always comply with the theories of Professor. Auriti, are spreading in Italy and abroad.

The group of friends of the late Prof. Giacinto Auriti, in visita alla Cappella del compianto Maestro. Al centro la Dr. ssa Francesca Auriti.
Fra essi si notano: Nicola Crescenzi, Savino Frigiola, Gianluigi Mucciaccio, Francesco Cianciarelli, Mauro Di Sabatino, Stefano Bucceroni, Rocco Carbone, Cosimo Massaro, Walter Picchini, Matteo Simonetti, Flavio Soriano.


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