Sunday, January 9, 2011

Clever Campaign Ideas

And if you hear me talking on the wind ...

I do not understand why when we decide and I Exc3ss Fed to go out with and Dox, create a more alchemical combination that's unexpected and strange things occur with a frequency of 10 times the average.
Comunqe things first: after about an hour late and several miners sms of Dox successfully removed both he and the Fed and starting to nientemenoche: VILLAMAGNA!
omit the indecision on the road risk ricatapultarci Ravenloft or Pratola Peligna (which is the same).
The goal is a little bar called imaginatively "Who's there" and in fact there is very little people, the group is a cover band playing Deep Purple, where she sang Exc3ss years ago, the spectators, in addition to us 4 and a bit 'of girlfriends of the band will be at most a fortnight, all the rest of "Who is" sitting on (the real) tables outside of the bar.
The first event of the evening is that the lead singer of the band is gone and was replaced by former lead singer of the band, or what had replaced Exc3ss years ago, actually a man, a stopgap: OD
The gentleman in question immediately destroys us Burn, which is the Fed's favorite piece, and set the first merciful veil.
Meanwhile Villamagna begin to suspect that the barber is called Edward Scissorhands, or at least be a bit 'psychopath given the particular hairstyles of the few indigenous people who are moving.
During the break, Dox discovers that a video game out there just as paranoid, that he obviously loves: it is wickedness to shoot the barrels that roll in the midst of strange men with a mustache, or a bit of ninja ' drives that appear in the middle of the geisha (I do not understand the connection, but is fine). After killing a certain number of men and geishas, \u200b\u200bDox has decreed that the gun is route. More merciful veil ... : OP
Fed and I try to propose a strategic retreat to the house, but Dox decided that it must remain until the end, so we are forced to put up a sad Perfect Strangers (also chopped my favorite).
The second part of the concert gets more interesting: the singer replaced comes and sits in the background, watching with eyes dark area musicians. Fortunately spared has run a pitiful bundle of veils, but he can not know, and we are worried that the fight shots. I beat up book for the guitarist, who is the biggest and played with the plugs in your ears not to hear. Dox stresses to deal with him, and since we're friends, decides to leave, very generously o)
singer in office, as we have seen a bit 'all is confusion among the public and establish contact with the breaking balls and the public as we are, except for a few nerds, breaks the bales to us and his fellow musicians. The drummer is gratified to hit the plates, the guitarist (who deserves it cmq) of attempted rape, keyboardist, poor man is sitting in front of the toilet door of the bar, therefore, already suffered enough. About
process, among the few customers present there is a strange sort of movement: a girl, nicknamed "the loaf, if you just take them to the toilet, one by one, they disappear together for a few minutes and then fall, the all the behind the very talented keyboardist.
The situation is quite psychedelic: one step away from a fight, I hasten to remove from the scope of the former singer bottles of Moretti, when the singer grinning in office approaches to ask to do the choruses, Exc3ss me note that the above our heads fly a winged pig (yes their pigs with wings) and Dox laughs I do not know why, then sends me to fuck, but can not remember what I told him to send farmici, all seasoned with green dots on the spit a kind of laser driven hole inside I'm local.
In a fit of generosity he was asked to sing Child in time the former lead singer (I suspect that the impetus simply hides the desire to avoid another merciful veil), then also Exc3ss is recruited to repeat the verse of Child in time and the scent of something strange that I had already deepened. Exc3ss has a cold, ok, not sung by little, 'OK, but has a voice so low and even the former lead singer ... Who knows ... Who knows who has tinkered with the sound ... Who knows ...
To be fair I must add that Mr. replacement has produced a very good Mistreated, it will be a bluesman is perhaps more than a rocker, which lack the high tones, but in any case is doing very well in some parts. The drummer with his malicious smile we liked, as well as bassist and keyboard player, which I personally find really good: o) With regard to the mandolin
Captain Corelli's ... Well let alone explanation, and do not ask which is better o)
We then questioned at length on the fate of Nancy, a strange kind of woman who seems more than strange to me bitch, and I think she was dead. And since you told me all wrong, I checked on wiki and I tell you: The Song Was Originally Called "Prostitute". Vocalist Ian Gillan Introduced the song on Deep Purple in Concert: "It was about a friend of ours who got mixed up with a very evil woman and it Was a sad story. They got married in the end. And They Got A Few days after married, the lady died. "
He was right: oP


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