Friday, July 28, 2006

Harley Davidson Bluprints

Goretex for peace.

The new technologies are always more directed to the good of humanity. This is even more evident since the birth of new Goretex, developed just for the people in the process of growth that will help them live better in their climates, while approaching to Western culture. The discovery came from the project Sweat Go Away For Peace continued International for ten years by the team led by Prof. Ellon Ashe, the famous American director of the Center of the Future Dry Materials (FDM). The announcement, which dates back to 4 (four) months ago, was limited to the circle of academics and big industrial producers , and only now the general public, the media became aware of the new breathable material. E 'was named AlGoreTexWiller ™, in honor of the hero of the piece and comics without the element of the periodic table " Aluminium . The so-called Aluminium, however, is the great absence of the compound for lightweight clothing. Apparently, from the moment of discovery is unleashed race to the patent of the big producers, which then prevailed a famous brand of sportswear, long committed to helping developing nations.
E 'thanks to them, for once, the spoiled West is watching the new technology which he is assigned. A real slap in the face of consumerism and the Eurocentric culture industry by the new philanthropists. The initiative, in fact, is intended to show the good parts of the West Middle Eastern countries as a contribution to the action of global reconciliation, in short, the challenge taken up by sports just a few months ago can be considered already won, at least morally. The rest you judge the free market. Indeed, one should consider that the advertising campaigns for new products have had their effect on people, and even if put on the market recently, such products can expect to buy / barter very high, according to statistics drawn from Statistics sports based on the consumption of intimate wipes from 1960 to 2006. It remains to determine the outcome of the informal approach to customers by the company studied. The engineers of sports, as always, were extremely available to contacts with journalists, as well as researchers from the original project. The Prof. Van Der Von De Ble explained that the project started as a spin-off on behavioral research conducted in the U.S.: "Those searches still ongoing, have shown that the attitude of a person against the other is influenced by several factors, including - oddly enough - the ambient temperature. This is the experiment with a excuse two people were placed under observation in a room, and let free to speak. Unbeknownst to them, was then increased the temperature of the environment, very gradually. Well, people show worsening mood invariably proportional to the discomfort caused by the heat. Subsequently, he was then turned on the sprinkler system of the room, and then gallons of water are poured on the guinea pigs while discussing. Well, have been shown not accept that either. "
From there, the constitution of the team is playing, that after five months he had attached great Promes if research in the field of materials. And 'well-known that women in some Arab countries seem snobbish, and - for those who do not n know the profound philosophy of life Eastern - detached and flushed. The Europeans, who dream of being taken up at any point in their lives and tell on television, do not understand the deep intimacy of the people from writing convoluted. But scientists can, and one of several points in common between researchers and funders to determine which plan is working to help relax a bit 'these people. And no one can understand how a woman another woman or think of it, as he explains the Prof. Retabehl " We understand that each dress is contained in a person . Obviously someone can not fit . The question is seeing the aspirations that characterize us, and match them with our appearance "- says the professor of semiotics of clothing. His latest publication, entitled 'Wait and hope', was the turning point of modern Italian studies on hope. Continue - " The Arab woman is a busy woman, cheerful bustle. His real problems stem from a Increased sweating and dust in the streets. The new Goretex to keep cool and relaxed people, particularly women, allowing them to maintain their identity, could be more revolutionary compact disc. people are very receptive to technological innovations, which is why the new 'must' of Arab women and modern sports, for example, is the use of convenient rubber boots that protect from dust on the roads. They are dynamic, witty, practical . " Just initiatives by small businesses as young boots, and fashion of emoticons (the cd.faccine) embroidered on the clothes (v.foto stock down, three Afghan girls only five years ago), there is a clear desire a change in the Middle East people. NeoSperisti movements often have supported global justice initiatives. In these days the conference will be held in Seattle on medieval and I hope I hope the modern, offering a comparison between the ideals of a thousand years ago and today's laws aimed at protecting it. It 'obvious that the person is at the center of science, specifically the academic: "The central and respect the cultures and people. Safeguard the dignity, the image. We can not prevent us from supporting companies that pursue these objectives in a clear manner. Behind every great man there is a great woman, great. Its dimensions are comparable to those of the Colossus of Rhodes or the Great Pyramid: she is one of the few things visible from the moon "he concludes.
As soon as the product was available, the Sports has given a thousand head of girls in the larger cities, because I was beginning to show the new fashion. The Sports has adopted a policy of familiarity and integration, in order to leave the comfort and pleasantness were similar among peers and not so much because of the publicity. Free to go wherever they want and whenever they want, but the girls have shown some difficulty in being the first to wear new clothes. Following this initial embarrassment, it was more difficult than to convince them to come out to chat with friends. They liked the freshness of the material and the comfort of the boots, but their social life proceeds at a pace a bit 'bland' expectations for the company, missing the contact with the ground, the engine that creates tolerance among different cultures.
" 0NU Currently troops are committed to bringing women out to talk " - said in January Bijou , head of troops stationed in the central region of Afghanistan - " and, given the agreements reached with these governments, we can not leave until every woman has talked about how it should be. "
Not much to add: Western perfect car industry does not leave anyone behind , like it or not. Greetings, new players in the world!


Monday, July 24, 2006

Cd Accounts Calculator


Ghetto blaster 8.2 pt. 2 @ Club Shelter (GR)
Combostyle home dishes DjChy: 100% rap from 22:00 onwards
outdoor yard, free entry (entry free), good drinks!
_____________________________________________________________________ 02/08 BashyBashy Gondoletta The crew @ Marina di (GR)
Bashy Bashy inna reggae selection from 23 onwards on the beach of The Bath Gondoletta promenade of Marina di Grosseto .. free entry
_____________________________________________________________________ Sandro 05/08 Selecta (W & L) Birthday Bash @ Marina di Grosseto (GR)
Party on the beach to celebrate 25 years of Sandrino (Weed & Love sound out of Grosseto)
guests Wandl crew and Combosteez sound + open mic for all mc pon of river.
everythings free ... on the shore of: Bath Fiumara - Marina di Grosseto (GR)
infoline: 3387324632
Strike 6.8 + PeaceLoveUnity (Radiowave) (Ar)
STRIKE + peaceloveunity (NattyFidel) dom.6ago ore21.00pzaS: AgostinoIngresso free
_____________________________________________________________________ 10/08 Mc's Mini Golf Contest @ Marina ( GR)
Mc contest rap / reggae with a prize-money-mini golf of Marina di Grosseto (the one behind the church) beginning 22:00
inscription free info tel.3292031205
_____________________________________________________________________ 15/08 @ Africa Unite concert Environment Day (GR )
guests as all the years of the event FestaAmbiente of Rispescia (Grosseto) the AU in concert. Start
22.30 / 23.00 € 7 entry
_____________________________________________________________________ 17/08 Quarter Coffee Live @ Parco Nord-Est (GR)
the live reggae band di Grosseto in action in the North East next to the baseball stadium . start about 22:30 pm Free entry
_____________________________________________________________________ 21/08 Quarter Coffee Live @ Gavorrano (GR)
QC band live at the party unit bath Gavorrano
_____________________________________________________________________ 29/08 Dj Chy @ Parco Nord-Est (GR)
The dj rap Grosseto for the last outdoor festival of the summer cycle of the park baseball stadium in Grosseto .. start 22.30 free entry

Friday, July 14, 2006

Barbara Weber Artists

The bridge between Earth and the Moon.

would need approximately 3,844,000,000 sardines to cover the distance that separates Earth from the Moon. Unfortunately this would be very expensive.
This is the result that scientists have come from all over the world at a recent conference that has crowned five years of work of 20 major research centers worldwide. The conference, entitled "Sardines : the stairway to heaven," Muris Institute was held in Geneva on Sunday passed and was organized by the TLM: the old Italian, who is heading the project, has succeeded in to unify the immense work on the vexed question of the connection through the Earth-Moon sardines in unequivocal conclusions, and to bring together at the same table discussion of differing schools of thought. As is well known fact, in recent years have been rough comparisons Swedish and Japanese between Macedonians and Persians, the direction for research. Despite this optimism was the glue that has allowed the great dialogue between the various teams. Of the 350 scientists (including six Nobel prizes to Emeriti and 2 Service of Humanity) acted as rapporteurs responsible for the 20 individual centers, 4 super experts and the chief organizer of the event, in the three-day meeting. Sixty journalists instead of several European newspapers, African, Asian, Oceanic and American. Among the statements of researchers, drawn from the reports and released during the interviews, some may be illustrative of the level of the research.
Professor. Yonochokat of "Fundamental Research Center Rising Sun and Moon Waning "Osaka shows that a critical factor of the study:" Of course, the company is within our reach ... If not in the short term at least the next 10 years. One problem is the fact that three billion-odd-ottocentomilioni sardines media would cover the distance that separates us from the satellite ... This means that to cover the more it will take many more. Taking apart the technology lengthening / shortening road star, while the sardine and economic problem ... We expect a lot from American and Italian research on the construction of large-scale synthetic sardines: new polymers appear to give encouraging results in experimental stage. "
Tepijapish Professor, Director of the Centre Human Equidistant "Kathmandu pursues the problem of controlling the length:" First there must be a constant check on the extension of a structure so important: on pain of loss of security for people they will receive. This will obviously be given to powerful processing centers located in various parts of the world, and provided for a forty hour, for which already creates space: different areas, from Carolina to Nepal in Mozambique - to name only a few examples - are being prepared by deforestation and natural kind relocation of villages occupying illegally the territory of relevance. "
From President of the Center for the Unification of World Antinuclear Fish "( WACFU ) Seattle, prof. Junkstonsky, comes as an encouragement not to leave the road ahead of time nature of sardines:
D - "First of all thanks for the time it devotes guess has narrow margins with which to manage the huge amount of work he directs. I would - let me - compliment with her to be one of those most committed to pursuing the good of the world. "
J - "Thank you, thank you. Yes, it is an incredible job and definitely a lot of people do not even imagine how much effort and expertise are invested in this sort of thing."
D - "I'm sure you will have many admirers, even among amateurs Science. On the subject of research, I would like you to tell us - a professor - your approach to the issue of control over the length of road star. "
J -" These sardines ... And 'one of the most pressing question of modern science. You see, nature has not created anything to chance and, however difficult, there is always a way to use it with minimal industrial approach. In particular, the WACFU we have developed complex models that seem to indicate a successful solution in this regard. "
D -" Could you tell us something, roughly? "
J -" Definitely. We have genetically modified some sardines, with low-cost methods, being able to obtain copies of the new skin with a much more elasticity of the common sardine. "
D -" What is the purpose of these changes? "
J -" You see, with the super-sardine obtained results as good as with polymers. One argument is that it could unite spin-spin and so on, in smaller numbers necessary to make the connection: the expulsion of the Moon, therefore, the fish will stretch to maintain a stable structure, and without the risk of fracture the road! "
D -" Great. "
J -" Yeah ... But that's not all. Our newer models have shown that a proceeding would be more advantageous in some ways the opposite. The idea is to mount only a sardine changed in 10,000 In fact, at present we can send electrical signals to the sardine super-elastic in order to open her mouth to swallow both the sardine that happens. Sardine stand very well and swallows the stresses and forces the other smoothly. Do you understand? A ten-thousandth of the cost for the change! So much for shortening appropriate. "
D -" and how to send impulses to sardines? "
J -" This is possible thanks to the connections made of modern carbon nanotubes held together by a bit 'of polymers, which create a bridge with no signal loss, even over long distances. "
last witness," caught "(allow me the joke) when the report comes from the director Moldovan of the team for the "Universal Ecological Jesuit Centre of the Loaves and Fishes", prof. Poissochov: "Our research began with the theory of orbits of artificial sardine, in which the Moon could slip during the year, and construction of bridges that the dismount from the earth. Now, Distinguished colleagues, all this is prehistory. We have long understood that the impact of use of such a mass of sardines may not be ecologically sustainable. We have made great strides in these long years of labor [applause] However, it remains the primary issue of sardine standard: detection techniques must be refined to arrive at how many mm should be long sardines, according to how many copies of that size are available [...] accepted measurement of 98 mm does not seem to be subscribed in advance. They could also be 120. "
Great excitement and surprise when, at the end of the conference announced on stage by prof.Rojo (the organizer), a rain of sardines fell from the ceiling on those present on the notes of" La Mer "by Debussy. Applause and a few tears for all participants.

It 'true that the results expressed in the reports are very exciting and of great impact, yet remains to be hoped that government funding for the various centers increase, which will double if not, as requested by researchers.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Funbrain Poptropica Log In


Despite the good intentions are not yet able to resume my work as a blogger. But I do not lose heart and do not intend to get this first birthday without a little celebration. Happy New Year to my blog and thanks to all those who follow him, I hope to return soon to fill the pages of many good and beautiful things. Hello everyone! Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 10, 2006

Kidde Carbon Monoxide Detector Has Error Reading


days (along with the site) the new job of the sound of the origins of Grosseto:
The CD is called Earth Attack and mixed by founder / select the sound: Don Pupa.
More info and previews at this link: