Saturday, December 16, 2006

Can Herpes Show Up Anywhere

Purge 'icon "safely disconnect hardware" from the system tray

Although it is crucial to turn off a USB device before removing it, there are some cases where the icon in the system tray is useless and annoying. For example: who cares remove the CD or DVD from the laptop to replace it with the floppy? Simply ridiculous! Yet
windows player in question is a removable drive and then right must be disabled before being removed, not care if we never.

dall'insulsa presence Annoyed I tried to customize the taskbar to always hide the icon in question using the "Hide inactive icons", but the result was to have another (an icon) even more unpleasant: the hideous blue arrow!

After much research I found the solution: HideSRHi
This is a program that does not occupy any resources (not running in the background: run automatically when Windows starts, it does the job then quits ) and that takes away from the system tray icon safely remove hardware re-creating it in the start menu / programs / accessories.

Monday, December 11, 2006

How To Get Other Puffles Without Being A Member

How's the war. Part II

Girano molte voci riguardo alla guerra. Ma poi come va?
Pubblico qui le tesi più obiettive ed aggiornate sulle novità del fronte di guerra.
Per comodità ho diviso il materiale in due parti: questa é la seconda , ambientata dall'altra parte della trincea.

PARTE I I - Che si dice di là . Faccia a faccia con il capo di tutti i terroristi.

(Seconda intervista trasmessa pare dalla JC Television, documentata by Nerman J. Buster, translated by the Agency and referred to TrueWords heard from Gino Scrapazza)
The interviewer said that a chance has the ability to provide the service, and within a month can be found in end of the world, in the desert. In the village in which the appointment with the person's life seems to proceed normally.
is accompanied in a dilapidated house and sat on cushions horribly crushed, the interview begins. The party ordered to eat.

LEADER - Hi, unfaithful.
INTERVIEWER - Hello. Thanks for the invitation. So, how are the attacks?
LEADER - not bad. The research on the assassination proceed with good human resources: recent graduates have the spirit of innovation that serves the purpose ...
INTERVIEWER - Excuse me ... What are graduates?
LEADER - Our graduates. You know, the Faculty of Sciences of the aggressor to the enemies of Allah ...
INTERVIEWER - this is news! Do you have any universities for terrorists? At this point I think the question that comes to my mind would be obvious to anyone, if I allows ...
LEADER - Sure, sure.
INTERVIEWER - It 's a limited number?
LEADER - Of course! Any idea how many requests we receive? (Laughs) You are all evil, everyone wants to get in!
claps his hands. In response to this gesture another man, so far hidden, open the red curtain behind him and enter the room. It bears a plate in embryos of birds.

LEADER - Unfaithful, like an egg?

Another clapping.
LEADER - Pass the salt, by Allah!
INTERVIEWER - So invested heavily in this area. But what are the reasons for those efforts? What moves your system at the forefront of cultural terrorism?
LEADER - Meanwhile, international competition, and secondly, the evil. After the suicide bombers, we plan more advanced levels of specialization. In the future there will be bomb-engineers, for example. Then doctors bombs, bomb-philosophers, pacifists-bomb, and so on ... Best bombers have generous scholarships.
INTERVIEWER - I'm beginning to understand. But why were always in your countries?
LEADER - I would call that laziness, in a sense. You have climates absurd: wind, cold, rain. Our environment is more comfortable, warm and dry. Fortunately, you're so good to come to our house and attack you! Allah is great!
INTERVIEWER - Well, this is undoubtedly a weak point. It is sufficient that we left, and all your efforts, your investment would go up in smoke ...
LEADER - Can not: you are too good!
INTERVIEWER - Already ... Look, I know his relationship with mass communication.
LEADER - I understand. Your people that your relationship with it?
INTERVIEWER Well, we know that the TV and newspapers are a means of exercising the freedom ...
LEADER - So I do not like! (Laughs) And these journalists bring bad luck, in our opinion. How to end a bombing, they arrive. Just a moon ago, the steel industry on the outskirts of the capital was standing and in full production, and yet nobody cares. Within a week had been razed to the ground and at that point there is massed around a dozen cameras! It may not have understood the situation ... But it was a great loss for us.
INTERVIEWER - Well, our information has already clarified that the aim was to reduce pollution in your town [purpose which by the way has been achieved - ed]
Dean terrorist crushing a mosquito with a snap of the palms.
LEADER - Die for Allah!
The first man back into the room, carrying carefully folded tissue. The leader stands up and approaches him. I do recall a sign for me that I need to pay attention.
slowly wears a dark red cloak. On the back is embroidered with the black silhouette of a demonic head, wrote in with "Enfant Terrible". Make a couple of turns on itself.
takes away the mantle, then, and puts a sort of habit with broad yellow stripes and black, with red cap. In front, the bands are interrupted by "the leader of the terrorists."
LEADER - Tonight I have a charity dinner for the victims of freedom. Which dress do you think most suitable, infidel?
INTERVIEWER - Well, I do not know ...
LEADER - Up, Up (you impatient) do not hesitate. For example, the hood seems to me the most wicked, but perhaps it is too cheeky ... What do you think?
INTERVIEWER - Yes, it seems best to me ... Maybe with a mask can be remedied?
My suggestion seems to have struck. He raises a finger, as if to endorse what I said. Then take a bag resting among the cushions, a silver cup. Me to him.
LEADER - It 's time of the leave. Here, unfaithful, take away this gift with you evil.
INTERVIEWER - Thank you. I accept it with polite terror, your hell.
Then I open my backpack and pull out the gifts that I brought to the meeting, just in anticipation of a similar occurrence of traditional. I lay my burden of mirrors and colored beads on the table where we sat.
Then the mayhem begins: I am overwhelmed by violent words, and cry from the old man with swollen veins in the throat. I do not understand the meaning, as the interpreter and fled as fast as a splinter. In faith, it was only a miracle if I could sling out of the hut and throw on the fly of my rickety jeep driving.
And, as we ran to safety in the dust, I seemed to see behind us a fire-breathing dragon with three heads. Honestly, I'm pretty sure ... Mosquitoes or the terrorists have poisoned me? This doubt haunt me forever.

Entries in the Faculty of Sciences of the attack are open from September to November. It requires good and evil curriculum of studies. The membership will be ratified after the entrance test (the rankings are published by 30 November on the university website). The clothing does score, mirrors and beads, no.


Friday, December 8, 2006

Alto Sax Pirates Of The Caribbean Free

HFS: peer to peer directly between two computers

HFS is a freeware application that requires no light to be installed: everything you need to do is drag the file into the program you want to share and give the address that appears in the bar at the top who have to download it That's all.
Compared to conventional methods to exchange a file with a friend (eg via e-mail, msn, yahoo, emule or similar) offers considerable advantages:
- No limit to the size of files
- Ability to use a download manager
resume interrupted downloads - Download speed is bound only to those who have ability to upload the file
Who sends the file and connects through a router will set it to allow the use of the port used by the program (default 80, but the Board to change it) must also, before giving the download link go to the menu / ip address / find external address. While those who only needs to paste the download link in your browser, nothing more.
download link

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

1 Seater Dirt Buggies

POP Peeper 3.0

Pop Peeper is a small email client that consumes few resources in Italian and runs in the background (only uses 5800KB of memory) controlling our boxes e-mail every minute. The strength is greater than the weight the possibility of having a useful pop-up message that informs us about the sender, subject, and on what account we have received mail. It can handle both traditional accounts accessible via POP, the boxes yahoo, hotmail and gmail.
Along with the program, I suggest you download all the available plugin essential if you want to manage account hotmail and gmail notifier and of course that best suits you. (There's even one made by me in Italian)